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Caucasophobia — the Accepted Racism April 6, 2007

Posted by C.A.R.D in Accepted Racism, African Americans, African Studies, African-American, Allen G. King, Anti-White, anti-white racism, Asian, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Black, Blacks, Caucasophobia, Citizens Against Racism and Discrimination, David Horowitz, Discriminate, Discrimination, Hispanic, Howard University Racism, Immigration, Islam, Kamau Kambon, Latino, Muslim, non-white racism, Racism, Racist, René Descartes, reverse racism, Shelby Steele, Wangari Maathai, White, Whites.
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From globalpolitician.com :

I had written much of this essay more than a year before I finally decided to post it online. A couple of personal experiences brought me onto the subject of non-white racism. I hesitated to post it, mainly because I instinctively dislike writing about anything related to race. I was brought up that way. Partly, I also convinced myself that I was first and foremost against Islam, and that writing about skin color would only complicate this fight.

However, after thinking about it for some time, I find that none of these arguments hold true. I am tired of ideological censorship. Western nations can never mount a defense against Muslim immigration if this is always dismissed as “racism.” But above all, if you believe that non-white racism exists, it is actually immoral not to deal with the problem and its victims. I am convinced that not just non-white, but also anti-white racism, are real and underestimated phenomena.

In London, an elderly driver who had a heart attack careered into a bus. Here you had a dying man, people trying to save him and police trying to clear the scene. Meanwhile, black youths at the scene just wanted to fight the cops. They shouted, ‘Who cares — it’s just a white man’.”


Video for NumbersUSA reaches Google Video top 100 January 13, 2007

Posted by C.A.R.D in Amnesty, Card, Congress, illegal immigration, immigrant, Immigration, USA, video.
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A video for NumbersUSA is now one of the top hundred on Google Video.  The video focuses on the current numbers and policies of immigration and the future.  As well, it also tells of how America is, not surprisingly, pro-immigrant.

[Link] to the video

Danes’ Anti-Immigrant Backlash Marks Radical Shift November 23, 2006

Posted by C.A.R.D in Card, Citizens Ag, citizens against, Citizens Against Racism and Discrimination, Freedom of Speech, Immigration, Muslim, Racism, Racist, violence.
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An anti-immigrant backlash, bordering on xenophobia, is sweeping across Europe. Sentiments once associated with ultra right-wing parties are becoming mainstream. Many taboos are being broken — nowhere more starkly than in Denmark — the erstwhile poster child of the welcoming and nurturing welfare state.Earlier this year, that haven of solidarity and liberalism was shaken by violent protests and deaths in the Muslim world over cartoons of Mohammed that were published in a Danish paper. Suddenly, Danes began to see their own Muslim immigrants as a threat to their national identity.

The cartoon crisis hit hard in the Copenhagen commune of Christiania, a bastion of the counterculture where freedom of speech is the paramount value.

Sculptor/welder Charlotte Steem, one of the commune’s 800 residents, says the violence with which some Muslims reacted to the Mohammed cartoons has undermined many of her convictions.

“There are a lot of things I don’t understand in [the] Muslim world,” Steem says. She recognizes the free society of her country but says she doesn’t know whether borders can remain open.

Only a few years ago, Denmark was proud of its open-door policy, and even the mildest critique of immigration would have been labeled racist.

But the mood shifted after Sept. 11, and the terrorist attacks in Europe. After many years of leftist rule, a right-wing government came to power, introducing Europe’s toughest immigration laws.

It also introduced restrictions aimed at curbing forced marriages among Muslims.


The False Cry of Racism Against Those Following The Law October 3, 2006

Posted by C.A.R.D in Card, Citizens Against Racism and Discrimination, illegal, Immigration, Law.
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A local group fighting for immigrant rights is calling for a boycott of two nationally known companies. Dunkin Donuts and Applebee’s are accused of discriminating against immigrant workers whose names don’t match their social security numbers.
On the 10th anniversary of what immigration reform advocates call stringent changes to immigration laws, supports of the legalization of the undocumented are once again speaking out — only this time, they are hoping not only to mobilize their vote, but also use their buying power to force the kind of change they want.

“The social security administration says it plans to send out 8 million no match letters,” said Martino Unzuerta, Chicago Workers Collaborative.


The initial purpose of the social security administration’s ‘no match’ letter was to credit workers unclaimed social security earnings. The agency routinely sends out ‘no match’ letters to a company when employees’ names and social security numbers don’t match possibly because of a spelling error, omission of information or a unreported name change. But immigration activists say some employers are now aggressively using the letters to fire immigrant workers.


Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata Caught Using Racial Slur August 6, 2006

Posted by C.A.R.D in Anti-White, Card, Citizens Against Racism and Discrimination, cracker, crackers, Diego, Illegal Immigrants, illegal immigration, Immigration, Perata, Racism, red meat issue, San Diego, Schwarzenegger, Tem Don Perata, You've got all these crackers, You've got all these crackers ... down in San Diego.
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The audio of this event: Link


[California] Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata Thursday discussed the difficult political climate surrounding illegal immigration and as an example said “You’ve got all these crackers … down in San Diego.”At a briefing with reporters, the Oakland Democrat was asked about the prospects of pending legislation to grant driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. Though a similar bill has passed the Legislature before – only to be vetoed – Perata said he was cautious about moving the current bill to the governor’s desk in an election year.

“Immigration is a red meat issue,” he said. “You’ve got all these crackers down in Southern Cal – ah, where is it, San Diego, taking on the governor. Even the governor was shocked.”
