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Tribunal hears racism complaint against website November 30, 2006

Posted by C.A.R.D in Card, Citizens Against Racism and Discrimination, Racism, Racist.

A South Okanagan man will be scrutinized for his connection with a website accused of propagating racism as part of a Canadian Human Rights Tribunal being held at the Penticton Lakeside Resort this week.

The Centre for Research Action on Race Relations (CRARR) brought the case against the website to the tribunal Tuesday morning.

Giacomo Vigna, who is representing the centre, sought the addition of area resident John Beck as a respondent, as well as the websites and .

“Although there are different names and designations, the main protagonist is John Beck,” he said.

CRARR alleges that the respondents, have engaged in discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, religion and disability.

On the website’s homepage, it states: “We are men and women of European descent that stand for the preservation of our race, heritage and culture for future generations. We are deeply concerned with the current trend of immigration from non-white countries into both Canada and our beloved European homelands.”

Representing Beck at the tribunal is former Ontario school teacher Paul Fromm, who explained he would be acting on behalf of Beck, but not the website.

“BCwhitepride.com has no more legal standing than a Tim Hortons doughnut,” said Fromm. “It’s not a person, or corporation — it’s an address,” he said.
He later added that Beck has no financial means to attain legal counsel.

Fromm, a part of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, has gained national notoriety for his right wing political affiliations, which resulted in his dismissal from being a school teacher.

Also sitting on the respondant’s side of the room on Tuesday was ISP provider Bernard Klatt, who Fromm said will be an integral part of the analysis of technical materials.

Vigna contested Klatt’s ability to provide forensic evidence on technical material.

Klatt became well known in 1998 when Oliver was named the Hate Capital of Canada due to his Internet service provider service for Canada’s racial extremist groups.

The tribunal will continue throughout the week.

C.a.r.d {Citizens Against Racism and Discrimination} Source: Pentictonwesternnews.com